When True Chaos finds the
world unprotected ...


If things were getting confusing up in the stands, then everything was ten times worse back in the bay-proper! Tollitszo and Kurmsz had sired two subsets of this massive clutch, even if Mayonaka hadn't allowed them near the subsequent eggs. Not that the two Chaos dragons seemed very trustworthy in the first place... who knew what they were standing as candidates for, now? To bond their own offspring, perhaps? Such was not to be, however. Soon the pair of semi-insubstantial dragons found themselves ringed by nearly half a dozen snake-like newbursts, most of which were definitely of hydra-descent. ~Who would have seen this coming?~ Tollitszo murmured dryly, while his brother simply gaped--a ghastly smile, if it was anything--at the circling bursters. The three-headed red, obviously the strongest of the set, snapped as if in answer to the Chaos. ~You'll take us, whether you feel that we are good enough or not, shadow-beast.~ she said, with a surprisingly harsh voice. At this point, she and a two headed warrior split off from the other three and circled Tolliszo's feet. The other three, a single headed, muddy coloured male and a pair of two-headers, slithered up to Kurmz. The little trio said not a word, but it was obvious that a bond had been made. They drifted out of the dwindling group of candidates, their new bonds snaking along beneath them, and at first, it didn't look like they were going to stop for the puny Archivist at all. But the Tollitszo paused, exchanged a crimson-eyed look with Linaeas, and grinned. ~My two are Odedyt and Fenga,~ he said, pointing out the red and the deep, smoggy coloured burstling. ~And my dear brothers' little 'hive' consists of Yssedet, Kailet and Nisarda, over there.~ Linaeas glanced at the trio, trying to figure out which was which. Tollitszo, who was about to move off again, paused and smirked all the darker. ~The green, yellow, and muddy, respectively,~ he explained in a mockingly patient tone. He rumbled with laughter at the Archivist, who ignored him for the most part... and finally moved on. Linaeas snorted at the absurdly condescending dragon, and instead of getting worked up about it, enjoyed the short lull before he had to catch up with the next bonder. What did a beast like that know about the difficulties of this job, anyhow?

Hatching Message: As Odedyt said, I am yours, Tollitszo.
Name: Fenga
Bonded to: Tollitszo
Gender: Male
Colour: Smog-black
Breed: Xeno-Hyhathian Burster
Rank: Warrior (medium)
Size: Medium
Height: 8'
Personality: Fenga prefers to strike silently, neutralizing his target before they notice, and then moving on. He is 'humble' in that he will never brag to others, or fight over a cause. He's a hard creature to get angry, but when he does, be wary! Both of those heads pack a powerful bite!
Cyborware: No cyborware available.

Hatching Message: You'll take us, whether you feel that we are good enough or not, shadow-beast. I am Odedyt, and now you are mine, just as the rest of these siblings of mine are yours.
Name: Odedyt
Bonded to: Tollitszo
Gender: Female
Colour: Red-Black
Breed: Xeno-Hyhathian Burster
Rank: Warrior (high)
Size: Medium
Height: 7'
Personality: Hathian blood runs incontestably through this 'bursters acidic veins, for never has one seen such a warrior-like red! Odedyt is proud, strong, crafty, and ready to contest anyone who thinks differently. She will defend her bond with all of her strength, should the need arise, and will go to great lengths to keep the siblings in her small 'hive' safe from outsiders. She can get bored easily, and if she does, she'll often take to sparring with siblings.
Cyborware: No cyborware available.


Continue to Xeno Goodness

Lantessama Isle
Kurmsz and Tollitszo are Candidates at Star City Dragonry
Background made by me, Font used is called Buffied