
image made with Portrait
Name: Ninurta
Gender: Female
Description: Ninurta is dark-skinned with two long curved silver
horns, copper brown hair, black eyes and pointed ears. She has a curvy
shape with broad hips, ample chest and strong limbs. Ninurta dresses in
leather and cloth in dark, earthy tones. Ninurta has a slight sway to her
gait and though she isn't usually described as beautiful, she does have a
certain appeal.
Personality: True to her original domain, Ninurta is in fact caring
and nurturing. Her penchant for love and fertility twisted to envy and
bloodshed. Her caring became obsessive, her nurturing suffocating and
she's become impatient and jealous. She keeps the things she loves hidden
from others. At times, her original nature might shine through as she
still has some worshippers of her old aspects left. Infertile women and
desperate farmers will still pray to her and that balances out her bad
aspects somewhat.
Demon of: War
Powers: Augmenting conflict, strife and jealousy/envy. Resistance against the elements
Original domain: Irrigation, Fertility
Number of followers: 260
Ninurta took the stay in a
spaceship in stride. Life seemed better than ever. Elir, now Eligor, had
been saved and though he was now learning to stand on his own two legs,
she had been accepted by Nairyg to pair one of her brood.... if they chose
her. In preparation for the day, Ninurta trained to become in contact with
her original domains. It didn't seem to be working, but abstaining from
augmenting jealousy and strife must also count for something she hoped.
Like the rest of the candidates that had passed Nairyg’s interview,
some of her siblings were spaced well around the
Bay perimeter, and everyone was as distant from her nested eggs as
possibly could be. Nairyg and Tnalexan would be the first faces all of
their children would see. The candidates were, functionally, a last
resort. Only of the hatchlings’ own volition, should they feel that
persistent call of a bond force them from their parents’ sides, would they
“ideally” even know the candidates were present.
When the crackling sounds of breaking shells began, it was a comfortably
familiar sound. Nairyg and Lex crooned towards their children’s efforts,
the sound quietly picked up by some of the other draconic attendees, and
another generation entered the world.
There was a distinct physical variance in Nairyg’s children to be seen as
they began to arrive. Some were gangling little things, their wrinkly baby
bodies wobbling awkwardly from the remnants of their shells upon long,
fragile legs. Others were chubby little butterballs, rolling into the moss
and sometimes struggling to even get their stubby legs to make contact
with the ground without one of their parents giving them a helpful
snout-nudge over. Some had egg-wet clumps of fur upon their heads and
tails, others did not. Some had tiny wings upon their backs, years away
from being anything close to a flightworthy size, and some only had the
elongated, backswept toe that would eventually be (one presumed) Hathian
Uniformly, however, they all had the infant curls of golden Hathian horns
around their eyes — and they each had a single gem in the middle of their
foreheads, too, set in a similar plate of keratin. He saw gems in
opal-black, and others in opal-white. Females and males, as hydra blood
displayed it, and yet not via hydra crowns. Schroeder mused on this as he
looked upon them, identifying them as something much more delicate, less
obtrusive than the heavy structure that weighted Nairyg’s ruling head.
Perhaps…diadems? He added a memo to the luminous screen of his datapad,
saving the possible terminology for later.
A pair of greens — one light-bellied, the other dark —
were the first to truly free themselves from their shells, perhaps aided
by the way their eggs had rocked against each other. In the softness of
the hatching bay moss, there was nothing to aid their efforts but each
other, and they creeled with exhaustion as they squirmed into the world
“Twezao…and Ttuocao,” their mother decided,
pulling carefully from a mental list of names she and her mate had
assembled beforehand, but that she had been stiffly unwilling to assign in
advance. “And they’re staying right here,”
Nairyg declared with certainty as the pair made good on a post-hatching
doze, a few of her lesser heads shooting cold, violet glares towards the
As if to disprove her, then, it was one of the stockier hatchlings that
was next to properly escape his egg and thump to the soft ground.
There was no mistaking the reluctance with which she pulled a
forefoot back to make it easier for the brass to see what lay beyond her
protective embrace, but as soon as she had, he was toddling forward as
determinedly as he was able. It was Eligor who
picked him up as soon as he was in range, as if being the first to bond
was his reward for that careful ‘please’ he alone of his group had used in
seeking Nairyg’s permission to stand.
“...His name is Zesetej,” Nairyg said,
watching carefully as the young demon carried her son to the tables where
he might be fed.
Many more hatchlings emerged, some stayed to be with their
mother while others escaped her like Esetej had done and bonded to the
candidates. Then a lull in the cracking and snapping of shells allowed the
low murmur of the crowd to roll over the gathering. People were excited,
talking with animation over the leggy or chubby children that had already
tumbled into the world. Nairyg looked as proud as any mother could be,
curled around her remaining eggs with Lex leaning attentively over her
shoulder. And then a single egg cracked with the sound of a thunderclap,
pushing an entirely black hatchling out of it's shell that seemed to shock
a lot of the people present. Nairyg cried out to save her hatchling from
being killed and then had to watch helplessly as it headed to the very
woman Nairyg feared would take it's life. Reassurances were made and the
hatchling was returned without incident, allowing the hatching to
Perhaps some of them were trying to make a hasty getaway, having taken
their mother’s outburst as reason enough not to stick around any longer,
or perhaps they had forgotten the occurrence already. Young minds were
malleable but could also be resilient, bouncing back into focus on their
simple needs as their instincts demanded them.
For the first time, two of the hatchlings almost moved together, though in
truth it was just coincidence that they sensed the minds they craved in
the same place at the same time. A dusty-pale muted red approached the
draconic demon Bune, who knelt to study the newborn with eyes that matched
the sharpness of the young pair regarding her now. She smiled, filing the
new knowledge away as she heard Nairyg declare: “Her
name is Jovo.”
Then the silver mother’s crowned head turned the few degrees necessary to
observe the other demon one of her children had chosen. The one called
Ninurta now had a little green cradled in her arms with the instinctive
care that only an experienced mother could show, but there was something
possessive to it, too. Clinging. Clutching.
If Nairyg’s child hadn’t looked so sweetly content, eyes closed in
Ninurta’s swaddling embrace, she wouldn’t have remained there for a moment
“And Tewodygan has chosen you, it seems,”
Nairyg rumbled bitterly.

Name: Tewodygan Na’carrah
Status: Bonded to Ninurta
Parents: 15-headed Silver hathydra Nairyg Na'carrah
x Winter Solstice Hathian Mutt Tnalexan
Origin: Abstract
Destiny (Clutch 23)
*Sex: Female
*Adult Height: 13’ at the shoulder
*Colour: Green
*Headcount: Six
Personality: Among Hathians, greens are the providers and the
caretakers. Tewodygan will have to grow into this role, of course, but she
already has the instincts and was drawn to them in Ninurta in turn,
however buried becoming a demon has left them. This hydra is a stubborn
one, but there will never be a hint of rudeness from her. Trying to change
her opinions is like trying to move a mountain with a garden trowel, but
she will always be kind and thorough in explaining why she believes what
she does. (tactful, dedicated, mulish, wholesome)
*Air Magic
*Breath Weapon (Acid)
*Verbal Speech
"I think we should return."
Tewodygan said once more.
"I think we shouldn't." Ninurta argued.
The two of them had had this conversation for the entire time they'd lived
on the Abstract Destiny. Tewodygan hadn't been able to do much before but
she was now considered and adult and she could take her bond back to her
home. A place she was bound to. Tewodygan knew Ninurta was fading.
"You need it." she stubbornly insisted.
"It's too dangerous." Ninurta insisted.
The last weeks she'd felt closer to her real self than ever before. It was
freeing even if she felt a bit weak and shaky at times. Going back to
Gremyne meant relapsing in her demon role and that in turn would mean
she'd be back at square one. Maybe it would even be worse. Maybe she would
lose the love she held for Tewodygan.
"You won't. I won't permit it." Tewodygan
growled, "I'll sustain our bond from my side."
"Can you be certain?"
"Well dying would make that impossible though I
guess I could move on."
"I'm not going to die."
"So you say. But I worry."
"If I feel it's absolutely necessary, i'll let you know."
"You might be too far gone then."
Tewodygan had all the flexibility of a mule. But Ninurta wasn't much
better. She'd need to come up with a good alternative way to
replenish her energy. Some way that wouldn't cause her to lose her mind...
"How about I try to farm?" she asked.
"It's pretty difficult on a spaceship. Maybe I can do it on a planet.
Somewhere with nice soil where nobody would think my appearance strange.
Somewhere I could try to reconnect with water, irrigation and fertility.
I'm so close!"
"I might know a place."

[STORY] -^^^-
Background found at
Lantessama Isle