7b. To the Vella Crean
Sveryk for the first time in his life, didn't feel like sacrificing his happiness for the greater good. Strange, he had never thought about his duty as a sacrifice. Before it had seemed no more than normal to act as he had.
Somehow the thought of not succeeding in rebuilding IselWegn didn't feel as bad. In stead a thought of a family, here in the warmth of Lantessama Isle seemed more realistic. There were more than enough people around here that could use his knowledge of IceLand, more than enough people that needed guiding. It was almost as if he'd found a new village to belong too, a group of people that neither fit in with IceLand nor Lantessama, but where there. They were real. Visions of a new IselWegn sadly weren't.
"Are you ok?" Lityan asked.
"Oh? What?" Sveryk looked around and saw that they had landed already. He had been too caught up in his mind to feel the travelling from Lantessama to the Vella Crean. 
He was helped down by Lityan, though he hardly noticed her grabbing his arm as he looked around the shoreline of the Vella Crean. The sight was like a nothing he had ever seen before. At times he had thought Lantessama was well populated, but here, there were even more people running around, and some other things too, strange creatures. It was like looking at visions from a dream...

8b The Hatching
It was a glorious afternoon when the eggs began to hatch. The first breath of winter had started to enter, and there was something melodramatic about the moment, as if one of the mages had known the importance of the event, and had gone great lengths to make sure the day was perfect. The eggs were crooning, and as both candidates and riders filed into the great sands, Naeodin cast a look of quiet pride. She had built this, and as the young Asian girl entered, accompanied by her consort and four warriors she smiled. Something significant was indeed about to happen, today.
Halfway down the hatching a blue marked with blood hatched, appearing from his egg about the same time another crimson did. The crimson smashed open with particular force, and looked around with a smug expression.
“Beat you, didn’t I?” she teased the blue. That mean’s I’m older.”
The childish act was ignored by the blue who with singular determination stalked towards Sveryk.

“Come on.”
The blue murmured, watching the youth who looked so much more older than he really was. “Let’s get out of here.” He would aid his rider in more ways than one, and looked up. “My name is Nunth.”
“What? He’s ignoring me?” the crimson looked baffled that anyone would ignore someone of her genetics, and looked back at her mother.
“Then what am I supposed to do?”

Laughingly the Red Light Court looked down.
“I’ll find a home for you.”
“Better be a damn good home.” The red muttered, having already skimmed through the minds of the audience to pick up a few choice words.

Continue to Adult & Flight:

Lantessama Isle.
Anyka and Yannick are
novos at the Ryslen Flurry 2004
Sveryk is a Candidate for the Vella Crean Blood Court