
image made with Portrait
NAME: Xafore
GENDER: female
AGE: 32
LOOKS: Xafore is thin with a sickly pale green skin
and brown hair. She has bright yellow eyes, a wide nose, pointed ears and
a long segmented tail. She is usually by herself as people avoid her
because of a faint but noticeable electric charge in the air around her.
PERSONALITY: Xafore is serious and haughty. She is powerful and knows she
needs no-one to help her survive. She has almost no hobbies but studies a
wide range of subjects that she thinks might help her when she's out in
the world. Even though most desert dwellers are community-minded, Xafore
very much wants to live a solitary life.
SKILLS: Survival, strong magic (mostly electric and metal-manipulation)
LIKES: Power, Knowledge and Solitude.
DISLIKES: People coming too close (seriously, don't try it).
FAMILY: Xafore was abandoned at birth and was
raised in a community where everyone was different from her.
PETS: She might consider keeping livestock for food (so not necessarily
BOND: Smog-Red
Torrest Na'carrah from Nidus
Ymber had bonded one of the fighting dragons at the inn and
Quivren had landed him a bright orange dragon with just as bright a personality
as his was flamboyant. But to Xadore, all the hustle and bustle was just too
overwhelming. She'd also been visiting the nesting platforms, but had soon
started climbing the mountains to get a bird's eye view of the place and to be
out of the drum of candidates and spectators. Today she'd intended to do the
same but found herself eye to eye with.... well eye to eyes of a dragon with
many heads.
"Are you here for the eggs?" Vesad asked.
Frightened, Xafore took a few steps back and nervously said: "I know I'm
not the right person to bond a dragon, after all I'm weird and ...."
"Not all think that." Vesad interrupted her as one of his brood, a
two-headed male smog Hathydra beast with blood-red spots appeared from behind
his sire.
"I think you are amazing." Torrest
Na'carrah confided to his bond, "And I'm not
Furiously blushing as it hit Xafore that she had just bonded, and to such a
wonderful being as Torrest, she didn't quite know what to do.
"Feed him." Vesad coached, "And the rest will come."
Name: Torrest Na’carrah
Gender: Male
Species: Arx Atra Mons Beast / Hathian / Hydra
Adult Height: 16’ at the shoulder
Colour: Smog-Red
Personality: No man is an island, no Hathian is a pack, something
something something. Look, Torrest tries, alright? He’s smart, he
understands things, but it’s harder to put them into words than it is to
just up and do it and hope everyone with him figures it out as he’s
going along. What he means is: no, Xafore, we are not going to live a
solitary life. It doesn’t have to be free of other people in order to be
peaceful. They just have to find the right community, that won’t judge
either of them for being what they are, and then things will be perfect!
*Breath Weapons (Fire, Ice)
*Venomous Stingers
Time advanced and while Ymber was off to have some
kind of deep hunter trial ritual that involved blood and who knows what
else, Layammry was busy plotting her own little things. She'd given Cheas
the luminous idea that going to cheer on the big warrior dragon would be a
good idea and so now she finally had some time alone to work on the next
part of her plan. After all, she'd grown to be quite a capable dragoness.
And everyone knew that no-one could really be happy without true love. And
let it just be so that she knew the look of true love. And she spied it
between her bond and his sadly completely clueless and largely unwilling,
insecure and totally cute assistant.
How gloomy could one be? Not even her bond, a complete clash of colour and
too many limbs was as dark and brooding as Xafore was. And all that when
she clearly had a lot of power and potential. At least her bond saw it in
Xafore, and what Quivren saw, Layammry had to agree upon.
"I object to you calling me a clash of
colour when you yourself are so bright and colourful."
Torrest objected.
"I never said I didn't like it. Just that
all that red is a bit dramatic." Layammry waved away the
hathydra beast's complaints.
"So what is it you plan on doing while the
other two are away?" Torrest inquired.
"Why, give them a romantic night beneath the
stars." Layammry beamed.
Torrest had to give the feathery dragoness points for trying.
"You do know they'll just talk about magic
and tricks, right?" Torrest asked.
"I have supplied hints in the menu." Layammry
said confidently.
Torrest rolled his four eyes at her and said,
"They're much too dense for that."
"Do YOU have any better ideas?"
Layammry asked.
Torrest did, but he struggled for words. It was difficult to propose what
he was planning after all. In the end he just grabbed the vibrant
dragoness and said: "Let me show you!"
As Layammry caught on she did admire the boldness of the plan. Indeed
there was no getting around this BIG a clue!
Background images found with google long ago.
Fonts used are Lydian and Broadway. |