Willow waded through the field of
tall grass, her mind filled with their whispers as she touched them. Most of
it came as impressions of the state of the soil, the way the breeze hit or
the various critters living in and around them. But there was something else
too. A vague discomfort. Willow didn't manage to catch what it was about.
Continuing her walk, Willow took the well-known path that
led her between the trees, past thickets and along a brook that flowed from
a large pond. Though her walk was uneventful as it usually was, there were
some small discrepancies that she picked up subconsciously. Like the grass,
she felt vaguely troubled but not frightened. There was little that could
harm her, so Willow felt intrigued rather than worried.
The forest fae decided to follow the faint tracks and did so slowly. She
took in a lot of her environment. And her careful observing paid. A smear in
the dirt led her to a couple of yellow hairs and then to a broken branch.
All these little signs led Willow to believe that whatever intruder was here
did not conceal their presence. Was that because they were confident in
their strength?
Not much further along the trail Willow heard noises that were not made by
the plants and animals she knew. She advanced cautiously, and then happened
upon the strangest creature she'd ever seen. Lush yellow fur covered it from
head to toe. Willow could barely make out a set of clawed paws and some
tiny, insect wings. Two heads twisted back and forth and then one
of those noticed her.

"Oh hi!" the visitor said.
"Hello." Willow replied.
"Do you know who was singing yesterday?"
Not the question she would have expected but she did know the answer.
"There is no-one here but me."
"Can you sing again so I can note that for certain?"
Willow did not know what to make of these questions. She wasn't used to
others talking to her, she usually sensed their thoughts. All the plants
liked her singing so she often offered them her songs. It appeared they grew
better when they heard her. Willow decided this would be no different. She
sang her usual tune and then had to try not to get squashed as the horned,
furred wyrm launched itself toward her.
Willow's heart sped up, her adrenal glands firing a signal for the first
time in decades... and then she was cuddled and snuggled and veritable
purring reverberated through her body. When it became clear that she wasn't
under attack, Willow asked:
"Are you okay?"
"Better than okay. Jubilant! We just met you."
Willow blinked and waited until Sibelius Woodprism had had his fill of
skinship. Touching Sibelius must have conveyed their name. The two heads
seemed to be as one, which made for an odd sensation as they did think
simultaneously but also not.
"Are you by yourself?" Willow asked, wondering if maybe Sibelius was lost.
"Oh no. My siblings are here too. Well not all of
them. Just the ones that travelled here with me."
Troubled feelings assailed Willow's senses and she had to take a step back
to gather herself.
"Is something wrong with them?" She asked.
"No, it's just that we had a dissonance and we can't
take a vote since we're even-measured."
"Can I help?" Willow ask.
"You could vote..." Sibelius said and perked
up, "Fugue me!"

Willow ran after the now flying wyrm and had trouble
keeping up. When they'd travelled a distance, Sibelius Woodprism stopped in
their tracks and Willow saw another of the odd furry wyrms. This one - and
she did mean one as it only had one head - was bright pink with green wings,
claws and mane.
"This is Pink Flower Woodprism." Sibelius
introduced them.
After some back and forth Willow finally got to the root of the problem. And
it wasn't what she'd thought.
"I could sway the vote by switching branches."
Pink Flower confided in her, "But I shan't do that. I
think Sibelius is florally right. But as long as Seashore is against us we
can't do anything about it, it's them we need to convine."
Willow had a little trouble following the way these wyrms spoke but she had
a better understanding of Pink Flower's natural language than the musical
references Sibelius made.
"What was the vote about?" Willow asked.
She'd need to get to the bottom of this. Because honestly, maybe this
Seashore entity wasn't wrong and she just couldn't go ahead with a blind
vote. You had to read the fine print on contracts too or the other fae would
bleed you dry. It was the sad reality of the world in which she lived.
"Sibelius wants to root here with the song he likes."
Pink Flower told her, "I like it here too, there are
lots of pretty flowers and cute animals. But Seashore doesn't like that
there is no water around so they want to make like pollen and travel, maybe
even leaf the planet."
Willow took a moment to think. On one hand she could help Sibelius and Pink
Flower to stay. On the other hand she could also help them move on to a
better place. Because if one of the siblings would be unhappy, that wouldn't
sit well with her. But maybe.... just maybe she could do something even
"Take me to Seashore." she told the two wyrms.

Not very far away at all, a blue-hued furry wyrm with
three yellow-maned heads sat sulking in the grass. The wyrm seemed deeply
unhappy and Willow felt like she really should do something to make them
happy as well.
"Hello." she said quietly.
"Who are you?" Seashore jumped and tried to
press themselves into the grass below.
"I'm Willow and your siblings asked me to come talk to you."
The blue wyrm sighed.
"I know they like it here. I should be happy for them.
I shouldn't make waves. I should vote to stay."
"But?" Willow asked.
"We don't know it here. It could be dangerous. People
could hunt us. We're still small. It might be better to stay running until
we're bigger..."
Willow understood the motivation, that would however explain anger, not
"And?" she asked.
"There is no water. How can we be happy without water
"There is water not all that far from here." Willow promised, "And I can vow
that this place is under my watch, nothing dangerous will happen to you and
oyur siblings. Well as long as you behave and not hurt others first."
Willow led the three Woodprism siblings to the little pond with the river.
It really would be an ideal place for them. Flowers grew on the banks of the
pond and since it was her home, there was plenty of singing to be heard.
"How about a new vote." she said, "Who's in favour of staying here?"
"Me!" Pink Flower called.
"We two!" Sibelius agreed.
"We three!" Seashore nodded.
Name: Willow Hyavai
Gender: Female
Age: 573
Species: Forest Fae
Description: Willow is a slight, short-statured fae with large
ears and long purple hair. She had bright blue eyes that appear to not
see at all. Due to her dwelling in forests she has become very sensitive
to light. Willow feels more at home in shady, overgrown places.
Personality: Sedate and calm, Willow shows all the signs of her
advanced age. With millenia ahead of her, she does not see the need to
hurry like some of the shorter-lived species out there. She prefers to
enjoy every day to the maximum. Which does not mean that she is lazy.
Willow is busy most of her time, doing whatever she wants to be doing at
that moment.
Short Bio: Born from Bluebells blooming, Willow sprang into being
fully formed and grown. Since her birth though, she has learned a lot
but she lacks social skills since she has mostly remained hidden.
* Nature Magic (can help grow any plant, understands
plants language)
* Hiding (can fade away when there are enough plants
around) |
Name: Sibelius
Gender: Fluctuating
Species: Wyrmicorn-Whorling Hydras
Florian x
Origin: Mwari Station (Nexus Discord Giveaway
April Fools)
Colour: Yellow with Brown Giraffe Marks
Size: 5 inches at birth, 100-125' when adult
Personality: Sibelius is friendly and kind. Pure and innocent,
trusting of the worlds and those that dwell in it. They love music and
can't resist looking for the source of any tune they find pretty. As
they travelled the Nexus with some of their siblings, they came across
a bountiful forest and heard a song that touched their heart(s?).
Wasting no time, Sibelius quickly found the person that produced such
beautiful sounds and convinced them to let them (and their siblings)
take shelter in their home. Sibelius is intending to never stray from
Willow's side. In fact, they might be described as clingy (but in an
affectionate, caring way).
*Telepathy, Verbal Speech, PUNch Lines
*Teleportation, Flight
*Light Aura, Purification
Name: Pink
Gender: Fluctuating
Species: Wyrmicorn-Whorling Hydras
Florian x
Origin: Mwari Station (Nexus Discord Giveaway
April Fools)
Colour: Several shades of pink with a speckled pattern and
green accents
Size: 5 inches at birth, 100-125' when adult
Personality: Flower can be a bit mischievous. They are the most
stubborn of the three (or is that six) and being that they only have
one head, they're also the most ego-centrical. Flower always know
what they want and they like getting their way. But in the end, Flower
also is a a member of the larger group and they will adjust to the
majority if they can't convince the others. Though they might complain
about it later. Flower enjoys staying in the vicinity of flowers and
they're especially fond of birds, happily chasing after them. On the
other hand, Flower has been known to alter their weight to become
imovable at times too.
*Telepathy, Verbal Speech, PUNch Lines
*Teleportation, Flight
*Telekinesis, Weight Alteration
Name: Seashore Woodprism
Gender: Fluctuating
Species: Wyrmicorn-Whorling Hydras
Florian x
Origin: Mwari Station (Nexus Discord Giveaway
April Fools)
Colour: Watercolour Blue with sandy beige mane and wings
Size: 5 inches at birth, 100-125' when adult
Personality: Seashore is the most shy of the bunch, the most
cautious. With three heads there is plenty to worry about after all
and Seashore is especially good at fretting. They are a very caring
entity, who always wants the best for others. Seashore feels most at
home near a body of water (fresh or salt, still or running) since they
enjoy the sounds it makes and the cool it brings. Though Seashore
would prefer to remain away from others, they care about their
siblings so much that they will brave any danger to stay with them
(especially because they could be in danger!)
*Telepathy, Verbal Speech, PUNch Lines
*Teleportation, Telekinesis
*Breath Weapon (Spectrum) |

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Picture was taken at Bruar Falls Walk, Scotland.