
image made with Portrait
Name: Mary-Beata
Age: 51
Gender: Female
Race: Presents as Human
Class: Nun Description:
Mary-Beata is a dark-skinned woman who moves rather smooth
for her recorded age. She has dark brown to black hair, brown eyes and a
large nose. Her ears and hair are usually covered by a habit but it is
rumoured that her ears are on the pointier side. Others dare tell that
they have seen a pointed tail and a forked tongue. While some even go so
far as to say that this mysterious nun can fly. The red of her soutane and
habit is an odd colour choice, but the Nexus is large...
Personality: Mary-Beata is calm and collected. She
has spent many years praying, meditating and reflecting and has learnd to
keep her emotions in check. Which doesn't mean that she is devoid of
emotions. Just that she hides them well. Mary-Beata is strict and she
commands others well, using the authority that naturally comes with
wearing religious garb.
Skills: Rifle/Gun-use, Flight/Floating (aka
Telekinesis), Augmented Reflexes, Augmented Strength, Augmented Agility.
Enjoys: a good cup of tea (or something stronger),
the soothing quiet of religious places.
Dislikes: vices,
injustice *-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*
Mary-Beata sipped on the straw of her cocktail and let
out a sigh as the refreshing tonic hit her palate. The mysterious nun was
on vacation but she had a feeling that trouble would come to her. It
always did. She'd gotten about two days of R&R in so it felt like disaster
could strike at any moment. Which was pretty much why she had strapped on
her rifle and taken her small atomiser with her when she'd gone out to the
deck today.
There were of course rules against carrying weapons on spaceships, but
with the right permits anything was possible. To their credit, most of the
staff around her didn't so much as bat an eyelid at her blatantly present
weapons. But then, nuns usually weren't associated with violence. People
should remember that their existence was meant to combat the evil
spreading across the Nexus. And some of this evil was very real. It was
this evil that Mary-Beata fought.
As a crash sounded behind her, the nun clad in red smiled and turned. It
was time to do her job. Mary-Beata turned and saw the large crack in the
spaceship window. This time trouble came with a capital T. As the staff
rushed toward the window to fix it, the nun faced her enemy. A dark entity
of vile vices, devoid of any regard to the sanctity of life. The terrorist
only noticed her then and it took a while for him to figure out what was
going to happen.
Mary-Beata took his hesitation to get closer and by the time he had
figured out who she was, she had him under control. All without even
having to have used her weapons. But just as Mary-Beata was about to bind
the terrorist, he activated a hidden button and both of them were sucked
into a teleportation void. Mary-Beata tried to hold on, but the wily
terrorist bucked and fought like a trapped cat and he was able to have her
unhand him.
The minute Mary-Beata lost her hold, she was ejected from the
teleportation void. By standard safety measures, this happened to a
relatively safe space. meaning there was breathable air and life forms
around. It remained to be seen if those life forms were friendly.
"Oh, you're one of those." someone told her.
Mary-Beata looked up and noticed several people staring at her. Behind
them larger reptilians, dragons, observed her.
"The Benevolent Unknown be with you." she greeted them.
"Please follow us." the same person told her and then turned to the
others: "They usually impress so why not let her in?"
After a few nods, Mary-Beata was led to a place with dragon eggs. The eggs
were close to hatching. Others were looking at them expectantly and
apparently Mary-Beata was to do the same. Eggs hatched, spilling
three-headed hydra's onto the sands. With wings, horns and feathers they
were of a similar enigmatic existence as the nun herself.
"I see evil landed you here." one of them,
striped red with a white belly and white and black feathers told her.
"The Benevolent Unknown works in mysterious ways." Mary-Beata answered.
"You might say so, but how can you be sure? Have you
ever seen this unknown presence?"
Mary-Beata smiled serenely and retorted: "I hadn't seen a hydra such as
you either, Dvorovoi, but it doesn't make you less real."

Dvorovoi bonded at
The Burrow STATS
Name: Dvorovoi
Gender: Male
Colour: Red-White-Black
Zagovor x
Species: Hydra
The Burrow
Size: 8'6" at the shoulder
Personality: Likes to play Devil's Advocate, Serene, Seductive
*Healing Tears
*Verbal Speech* *-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*
Dvorovoi turned out to be a very eloquent companion. As
the hydra grew, he started to tower above her. People had obeyed her
before but now they were quicker about it. A looming hydra did that.
Although Mary-Beata felt very certain that they had more to fear from her
than from him. At least where bodily harm was concerned. Dvorovoi was a
glib talker and he enjoyed seducing people to do his bidding for free when
they would usually ask payment for their services.
"They should be happy to help us on our quest to
aid the Benevolent Unknown."
Mary-Beata barked with laughter and gave her hydra a little pat on his
"I'm happy you're at least humouring me in the converting department but
you don't need to unless it's finally true."
"Well, I like to keep you on your toes."
"Rascal." *-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*
Lantessama Isle
Background image from deitydiva |