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Name: Ttuocao Na’carrah
Gender: Male
Species: Hathydra
Parents: 15-headed Silver hathydra Nairyg Na'carrah
x Winter Solstice Hathian Mutt Tnalexan
Origin: Abstract
Destiny (Clutch 23)
*Adult Height: 21’ at the shoulder
*Colour: Green
*Headcount: Two
Personality: Quietly forceful, and Enthusiastic. When someone
speaks of the power behind the throne, they are speaking of Ttuocao. He is
devilishly intelligent and eager to whisper into the ears of anyone
willing to listen if he believes it will get him something. He does not
like to be in the spotlight himself, but attaches himself to people with
charisma and importance so as to be carried along on their ride to the
top. He can get easily over-excited as he finds any social mood very
*Air Magic
*Breath Weapon (Acid)
*Verbal Speech

Like the rest of the candidates that had passed Nairyg’s interview,
some of her siblings were spaced well around the
Bay perimeter, and everyone was as distant from her nested eggs as
possibly could be. Nairyg and Tnalexan would be the first faces all of
their children would see. The candidates were, functionally, a last
resort. Only of the hatchlings’ own volition, should they feel that
persistent call of a bond force them from their parents’ sides, would they
“ideally” even know the candidates were present.
When the crackling sounds of breaking shells began, it was a comfortably
familiar sound. Nairyg and Lex crooned towards their children’s efforts,
the sound quietly picked up by some of the other draconic attendees, and
another generation entered the world.
There was a distinct physical variance in Nairyg’s children to be seen as
they began to arrive. Some were gangling little things, their wrinkly baby
bodies wobbling awkwardly from the remnants of their shells upon long,
fragile legs. Others were chubby little butterballs, rolling into the moss
and sometimes struggling to even get their stubby legs to make contact
with the ground without one of their parents giving them a helpful
snout-nudge over. Some had egg-wet clumps of fur upon their heads and
tails, others did not. Some had tiny wings upon their backs, years away
from being anything close to a flightworthy size, and some only had the
elongated, backswept toe that would eventually be (one presumed) Hathian
Uniformly, however, they all had the infant curls of golden Hathian horns
around their eyes — and they each had a single gem in the middle of their
foreheads, too, set in a similar plate of keratin. He saw gems in
opal-black, and others in opal-white. Females and males, as hydra blood
displayed it, and yet not via hydra crowns. Schroeder mused on this as he
looked upon them, identifying them as something much more delicate, less
obtrusive than the heavy structure that weighted Nairyg’s ruling head.
Perhaps…diadems? He added a memo to the luminous screen of his datapad,
saving the possible terminology for later.
A pair of greens — one light-bellied, the other dark — were the first to
truly free themselves from their shells, perhaps aided by the way their
eggs had rocked against each other. In the softness of the hatching bay
moss, there was nothing to aid their efforts but each other, and they
creeled with exhaustion as they squirmed into the world proper.
Nairyg’s crowned head came down to regard them closely, her fourteen
others crooning at the softest volume such large maws could manage.
Tnalexan was no less fascinated, proud, curious — all of these things, as
the pair collapsed against each other and seemed very content not to move
after that. Shell-breaking was hard work!
::They’re beautiful,:: Lex murmured.
“Twezao…and Ttuocao,” their mother decided,
pulling carefully from a mental list of names she and her mate had
assembled beforehand, but that she had been stiffly unwilling to assign in
“And they’re staying right here,” Nairyg
declared with certainty as the pair made good on a post-hatching doze, a
few of her lesser heads shooting cold, violet glares towards the

Ttuocao stalked the hallways looking for tidbits of useful information.
His two heads swayed left and right, up and down and back and forth as his
sensitive ears picked up whispers through the doors of the Abstract
Destiny. Oftentimes people thought that their private quarters were in
fact private but it was far from the truth. Though now full-grown, Ttuocao
still preferred to remain cloaked in the protection of shadows. He was not
a leader. He was someone to carry out the vision of said leaders. But he
wouldn't just follow anyone. He'd pick the one that would go the furthest.
Ttuocao fancied himself a good judge of character. He'd seen plenty of
unusual people - and things - aboard the Abstract Destiny and he already
knew he wouldn't be staying. It wasn't a bad place to live, but he
wouldn't be getting anywhere. As whispers reached him, once again Ttuocao
wished that he'd head a couple of extra heads. But even his two heads
picked up the message:
"Down. Down to the Burrow."
Now that place had a nice ring to it. If people were talking of it, that
must mean that there was a clutch at present. And that was just what he
needed to get himself some extra heads.... and limbs.
The Burrow appeared to be part of a
place called the Sanctum Dream. Ttuocao didn't mind what the locale was
called as long as he could listen to others from the shadows and find
those with potential. Several others had turned up for this clutch and
looking at the parents, Ttuocao was positive that the resulting offspring
would be hydra like himself. It was also quite clear that they'd be winged
and some combination of colour with red.
Although, as the hatching commenced, that last deduction proved to be
incorrect as several blue-tinged hatchlings emerged from their eggs. But
it was in fact a red female with a faint skeletal grey glow that
approached him. She did not hesitate nor did she act coy. She knew what
she was here for and that was to find a partner for life. The green
hathydra before her might not be powerful, he might not look all that
menacing, but he was all that she could want in terms of intelligence and
quiet resilience.
"I'll be your extra eyes." Lin'shune
"I'll be the shadow at your back." Ttuocao

hatched at
The Burrow
Name: Lin'shune
Gender: Female
The Burrow (Red G5)
Shudalvedaldeateezaneth x
Species: Hydra
*Colours: Red with Glowing Grey
*Size: 21' at the shoulder
*Headcount: Three Personality:
Active, Reliable, Straightforward
*Verbal Speech
*Ritual Conjuration Magic
*Toxic Blood
*Venomous Stinger

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