"Be careful not to mix up the order of the records." Wildri asks you.

Clutches 1-5 | Clutches 6-10 | Clutches 11-15

Day Upsbenar x Mud Ahnkara


4 hatched

Ellanher and Mud Erdarra (m)
Tarsalia and Water Hindraar (f)
Cweorth and Fire Ovharra (m)
Gary Cross-Green and Night Verraar (f)

Water Nishi x Earth Defaya


6 hatched

Taahira and Forest Allayahi (f)
Maira Celedeas and Beach° Gesyahi (f)
Sunniva Krishanmew and Fire Moehiya (m)
Haile and Wind Rowyahi (f)
Edvard and Earth Suhiya (m)
Flint and Desert Zhiya (m)

Forest Nahosdi x Fire Griïkisdu


5 hatched

Ja'hani Sihkaron and Rain Koedudi (f)
Gertruth and Plant Obdidu (m)
Leed McDairmid-Ridsaw and Fire Padidu (m)
Aesc and Forest Quidudi (f)
Ennio and Water Rendudi (f)

Night Cophis & Ore Jasshos


6 hatched

Fire Aridaaw and Day Deosis (f)
Grim Greycastle and Sand (Desert) Glisos (m)
Night Amtiov and Ore Gnosis (f)
Rafaello Ponti and Plant Nautisos
Jaye and Water Niosis
Sarme and Earth Pirosis (f)

?? x ??


0 hatched


Castle  DesCas MAIN