Pharell & Mud Lieb

Name: Pharell
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Description: Broud-shouldered and long-limbed, Pharell turns heads wherever he goes. He has short auburn hair and bright green eyes. He wears trendy clothes that show off his body shape. Doll made with Elouai's Candybar Doll Maker
Personality: Pharell has a really strong voice, and isn't afraid to use it. He was born for the job. He knows everything's place in Wo Yao Fei Castle, and he can tell you the fastest way to what-ever it is that you're looking for. He is not a spur of the moment guy, because that just isn't good in his line of duty.
Profession: Transport & Deliveries
: He has been seen building little houses and wooden sculptures for the little ones on Icarus. He is very good with his hands and loves to make things. He also loves to explore and likes to make maps.

Family: Pharell has an older sister, and perhaps that is why he is so thoughtfull. Living with his aunt and uncle he grew up a rather normal life. He and his uncle liked hiking and often played at survival after being dropped off in some random place.
Short Bio
: His parents died young. He can't remember them, but he and his sister both grew up in a loving and warm place. Pharell was always a studious student, but he also trained a lot and it shows in his skill.
Homeworld: Icarus
Social Life?: Single
: Fey, a water fairy drak.

Name: Lieb
Gender: Male
Colour: Mud
Personality: Conscientious and takes pride in a job well done.
Origin: Wo Yao Fei Castle