Wild Clutch 6

A pleasantly warm day presented itself on Lantessama. It was a day with sunshine that warmed the sand and invited to come outside. A cool breeze helped to keep people there while others - who commented about people risking a sunburn - sought the shade of the trees. In the bay, nekrats cared for a small clutch of eggs. The donated eggs were all relatively the same age and once one started to crack, the others usually followed. And it seemed that today would be that moment as the sun coaxed even those hiding in shells to come out and play.
The call to gather went out and soon the lazy relaxation of the day was replaced with the buzz of expectation and exhileration. A hatching meant a feast and everyone interested in joining had come as soon as they could. Some were selling food and drinks while others gladly sampled their wares. But these things were of no importance to the prospective candidates. Yimeo Inavito stood knee-deep iin the water, her greenish skin blending in seemlessly. Next to her stood her newly bonded dragon Verderame, whose copper-coloured wings contrasted with the cool water. Some distance away stood Christo, a lanky teacher from Dawn Cove who looked a bit out of place with his pale skin and stiff posture. Deeper in the water waited Sforzando, a Loch Nexian who had come to see whether or not she would find a companion here.
The people didn't have to wait long for the tell-tale fountain spurts that indicated some of the eggs had hatched. Suddenly the bay waters were alive with fins, tails and the occasional head. Spectators craned their necks in an attempt to make out the colours but it was hard as most of the hatchlings had blue or teal colour, but one did stand out. The orange-brown kitten had splashed her tail and now popped her head out of the water, making her way to Christo.
"I see you are of a similar mind as me." She told the teacher in a rather commanding voice, "You may call me Melbasue."
Not much farther a blue Wave male and an aqua Lake female were circling Yimeo and Verderame. The Wave seemed to be looking for head-pats and pets from Yimeo while the Lake kitten seemed to approve of the group as a whole, giving out rubs and hugs of her own accord.
"Let's play! Chase! Tag! Anything!" the Wave begged.
"Where will we live? Are the people there nice?" the Lake inquired.
Yimeo had to straighten out the information so it took her a while to form a reply, but she managed well:
"Byegol, aren't you hungry? Let's eat first and then we can play." she told the wave.
"We can make up the rules while we eat." Verderame added.
"And we can talk about home too, Alversa." Yimeo addressed the other new addition to their pack.
While the first three nekrats were being fed by their new bonds or packmates, a last nekrat hatchling swam out toward Sforzando. The turquoise-coloured Pool was a male. He was quiet by nature and preferred to keep away from the bustling shore. He met up with Sforzando and recognised a like-minded soul. The Loch Nexian introduced herself with both her real name and the meaningful concept it entailed. At the end she added an inquiring thrill.
The Pool considered the response and then chose a name that would fit. He wove a little hummed melody that he had heard while in the egg and that had appealed to him.
"Ritornello." he added, requesting to be allowed to become a constant in Sforzando's life.
Sforzando hummed his name in consent and then she went to hunt for food, Ritonello in close pursuit.

Yimeo Inavito (f) and Wave Byegol (m)
Yimeo Inavito (f) and Lake Alversa (f)
Sforzando (f) and Pool Ritornello (m)
Christo (m) and Pebble Melbasue (f)

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