Lantessama Isle - Festival

A flight of Ivartian dragons has descended upon Lantessama Isle. These armour-plated dragons can fend for themselves. But for the right human, they might be willing to take a gamble. Over the coming months I'll put up some dragons interested in bonding and people can send in applicants to take them home. Be certain to appeal to the dragon with colour-themed webpages (or descriptions of the place where they will live) and look at what they like in their description.
Ivartian Dragons come in 6 colours that are ranked from high to low: Blue - White - Purple - Grey - Green - Amber. They are a long-lived species who can bond from adulthood (1 year old). When their rider dies of natural causes the dragon will survive and can choose to bond again. Clutches are small (1-2 eggs) and hatchlings are raised communally.
More information on Ivartian dragons can be found on the Nexus Dragonpedia.

(Preview of a purple baby Ivartian)

Dragon 1 Dragon 2 Dragon 3

Purple Female

Likes: Flowers and Fruity scents
This dragon is looking for someone to pamper her. Bonds must take good care of their own bodies.

Grey Female

Likes: The sky right before a storm
This dragon is serious and broody. She will only go with a bond who is strong and able to defemd themselves.

Green Male

Likes: Food.
This dragon wants someone who can cook or to reside somewhere where he can have access to good food.

Dragon 4 Dragon 5 Dragon 6

Grey Male

Likes: Water
A contemplative dragon, this one is keeping his mind open to those who come. Looking for someone with depth.

Amber Female

Likes: the Underground
Burrows, tunnels, mines,... this female is looking for a labyrinthine home with plenty of space to house her hoard.

White Male

Likes: Gems and Crystals
This dragon will want someone rich who'll be able to hang him with all the jewels imaginable. Is he vain? Maybe.

Dragon 7 Dragon 8 Dragon 9

Green Female

Likes: Fields
This dragoness thrives when she can lay in a flowery field. She's looking for a nice secluded spot to call her own.

Blue Male

Likes: Flying, Freedom.
Though a leader, this dragon needs someone who understands that sometimes you need to be able to take some time off.

Purple Male

Likes: Heights
This dragon is looking for a perch to reside on. He wants to observe from above and reign over a domain.

Dragon 10 Dragon 11 Dragon 12

Amber Female

Likes: Honey
A saccharine sweet female, this dragoness wants someone who is interested in doing good or volunteer work.

Green Male

Likes: Exercise
Looking for a fit bond who likes to exercise along with him. Races, keeping track of records,... this dragon likes it all.

Grey Female

Likes: Mountains, Snow
Is looking for a cool cavern on a snowy mountain range. Other occupants are optional but it never hurts to have someone nearby.

Dragon 13 Dragon 14 Dragon 15

White Female

Likes: Sparkles, Stars
This dragon enjoys being the center of attention. Timid/Shy people won't catch her attention.

Grey Male

Likes: Metal, Blades
Would probably prefer someone who is adept at wielding blades, but might also go for someone who makes or works with them.

Amber Female

Likes: Music
Playing an instrument is a plus, but she would just as well settle for someone with an extensive record-collection.

Dragon 16 Dragon 17 Dragon 18

Amber Male

Likes: Jokes
This dragon is looking for a wordsmith. Throw on the charm, play with that sarcasm. His bond needs to be able to debate and talk big.

Purple Female

Likes: Lace and Yarn
This dragon would pair well with a dress-maker. But anyone who likes to embellish things would catch her fancy.

Green Female

Likes: Vegetables
This dragoness can be bought for the right vitamin-holding beverage/soup. She would prefer the produce to be homegrown though.

Dragon 19 Dragon 20 Dragon 21

Green Male

Likes: Forests
This young dragon would like to reside at the edge of a forest, or in a clearing. He loves the smell of wood and leaves.

Amber Male

Likes: Woodgrain
This dragon prefers a strong bond who can hold their own in a barfight. No need for weapons, the only worthy weapon is a fist.

Grey Female

Likes: Geodes
Believes that true value resides within, will ask a lot of questions from the candidates who want to bond her.

Dragon 22 Dragon 23 Dragon 24

Purple Female

Likes: Stories and Drama
This dragoness lives to hear what others have experienced. She's shy and wants someone to go explore with her.

Green Female

Likes: Velvet
Not all green dragons need to be nature-lovers. This lady loves luxury and is looking for someone who feels the same.

Amber Male

Likes: the Beach
This dragon absolutely needs a home in a tropical paradise. Presence of others nearby is optional (he can fly after all)

Dragon 25 Dragon 26 Dragon 27

Amber Female

Likes: People
Wants to bond someone with a lot of contacts or to reside somewhere with a lot of people nearby.

Grey Male

Likes: Fluff and fur
This dragon loves animals. He'd like to bond someone who works with animals or has a lot of contact with them.

Green Male

Likes: Experience and Study
This dragon might be a little older but he's got plenty of life left. He needs a mature bond who's interested in research/study.

Dragon 29 Dragon 29 Dragon 30

Green Female

Likes: Origami
Enjoys to see things get created. She's very inquisitive and might get in the way of the one doing the work.

Purple Male

Likes: Speed, Wind
A daredevil who wants someone to test the extremes with. Bond must be willing to take bets.

Amber Male

Likes: Gold and coins
This dragon is a collector. He hopes to expand his hoard. Scavengers, treasure-hunters, bored billionaires. This all works for him.

Prospective Bonders

Nexus Identity Candidate Preferences


Kantsubaki (m)

9, 12, 14, or 26

Dazhbog (nb-m)

2, 4, or 21

Zekiran Sequoia (m) 19 or 7
Yilbasi (m) 17 and 23
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Read the Rules and send in a form.
Interested in a mating flight so you can occupy the sands next?