
image made with Portrait
NAME: Karashi
GENDER: Female
AGE: 28
LOOKS: Karashi is a slender, smaller harpy with
thick, long brown hair, a large nose and red lips. Her eyes are dark red
pupils on black sclera. She has two horns that are sometimes hidden in her
fringe. Though Karashi is smaller and not as strong as the other harpies,
she males up for that in other areas.
PERSONALITY: Karashi is lazy and uses her intellect to get herself by on
the least amount of effort. She likes to rest and sleep and languish in a
sunny spot. Other harpies have learned to let her be, only those with a
clearly more powerful status dare to order her around. Karashi can be
truly vicious if she wants to but usually remains quite civil if you
humour her.
SKILLS: plotting
LIKES: resting on a sunny spot, liquor and fish
DISLIKES: being ordered around, having to put in effort and getting her
hands dirty
FAMILY: Karashi was born a part of a
harpy tribe where the chicks were raised communally. As such she doesn't
know which of the older women is her birth mother.
Rayu doesn't care much about family but she does want to have chicks as
they would raise her status.
BOND: Smog Drurodran'cza and Ash
Rither'isa from Arx Atra Mons
The Arena
'Always have a weapon on you', they'd said. Karashi smirked. She was a
weapon. Knives nor swords would give her an advantage. Her wings and claws
would. But just to be on the safe side, Karashi made sure she was
well-rested and well-fed at all times. She'd hardly seen her sister
harpies since they'd appeared at Arx Atra Mons. Karashi didn't really
regret the fact. She wouldn't hold onto rituals and traditions that were
of no consequence in this new world. No, Karashi would look upon this as a
chance and she would crawl her way to the top is that was what she needed
to do.
She'd been told that she would be taken to the arena when the time was
right and they hadn't been kidding. Unceremoniously, she was deposited in
the ring that was quite a bit lower than the surrounding seats. Karashi
immediately took off to get a better view. She was lazy, not stupid and
would not lounge around in between a swarm of ravenous beasts.
The mother of the clutch gave her a look as cold as ice and as sharp as
daggers and Karashi lazily spiralled down to one of the sides. She didn't
fancy being smacked out of the sky and the mother of this clutch looked
like she certainly was capable of that.
Waiting, hovering above the floor Karashi watched as candidates, mostly
humans, bonded or got eaten. None of the beasts seemed to try to approach
the harpy. Not until a blue beast with four heads and 4 tails directed all
their eyes in her direction.
Karashi readied herself but the smog female majestic rank did not have ill
intentions for the harpy. Instead she contemplated a bond.
"I believe we are two of a feather." Drurodan'cza
Calm, coiled feelings gingerly made themselves known in Karashi's essence.
Like a snake resting but ready to strike at a moment's notice. Karashi
herself felt quite the same, like a predatory bird hovering high above a
field, waiting until a rodent reared up it's head;
At those thoughts, Drurodan's stomach rumbled loudly and the hydra beast
easily snatched a couple of lower ranked beasts with her many tails. She
made quick work of the first two, but had maybe sated herself by the time
she got to the third. She let the small ash-coloured beast hang in front
of her face and seemed to think.
The ash bowed her single head and pleaded: "Let
me go and I will serve you."
The smaller beast was not even 3 feet tall, almost half the size of
Drurodan, but she kept still in a complete relinquishing of power. As soon
as Drurodan let her go, the wriggled away and hid behind Karashi.
"Of course I will serve you too." the
ash beast grovelled.
Karashi yawned at the hasty, nervous energy that entered her mind. But
having a servant would probably not be a bad thing.

NAME: Drurodran'cza
GENDER: Female
RANK: 21 (Majestic)
SIZE: 45 feet (35 to 51 feet)
DESCRIPTION: 4 heads, 4 limbs, 4 tails, 0 wings
PERSONALITY: A fairly relaxed beast. Drurodran is confident in her
standing and power and she will not overly display her dominance. Only
those stupid enough to not respect her will face her wrath.
- Telepathy
- Teleportation
- Fire Breath
- Venomous Bite
- Poison Stinger

NAME: Rither'isa
GENDER: Female
RANK: 4 (Basic)
SIZE: 20 feet (18 to 34 feet)
DESCRIPTION: 4 heads, 4 limbs, 4 tails, 0 wings
PERSONALITY: flighty, energetic and cunning. Rither'isa knows she's small
and will hide behind her larger protector, unless she is hungry. In which
case she'll hide behind her bond.
- Telepathy
- Teleportation
- Fire Breath
- Venomous Bite
- Poison Stinger
Months had passed and both beasts had grown, reaching their mature size.
Rither'isa knew very well that her role in life was to serve unseen.
Stepping in the light could very well mean her end. Not many other beasts
would hurt her for fear of Drurodan'cza's anger, but larger and
higher-ranked beasts could still take the chance and hurt her.
But lately, the eyes watching her seemed to not only look upon her with
hunger. Smaller beasts of the male variety kept an eye on her. Larger
beasts seemed to follow her too, wanting to claim her larger sister.
Rither-isa didn't know if she was comfortable with the attention.
"I'll not let just any male breed you."
Drurodran soothed her.
"If any appear for you that you don't fancy
I'll put my life on the line for you." Rither promised.
"Thank you sister."
Drurodran replied with the snort that told Rither just how her smog sister
valued her power. But who knows, the smaller ash might just make the
difference or be enough of a distraction to let Drurodran gain the upper
hand. But then, maybe the smog majestic beast might want to spread her
[STORY] -v-
[RAYU] -v-
Lantessama Isle