
image made with Portrait
NAME: Rayu
GENDER: Female
AGE: 25
LOOKS: Rayu is sturdily built, with
broad shoulders and powerful limbs. She has straight red-brown hair and
black eyes. Her wide nose and red lips give her face an unusual look. Her
eyes are black on black as are her horns. Her face is usually devoid of
expression, giving her an aloof and mysterious air. Her wings are a warm
golden brown and very soft.
PERSONALITY: Rayu might look disinterested and bored, she is quick to
anger and prone to outbursts. She will not let anyone get the better of
her and has been known to play dirty during duels and fights. She cares
only for her own gain and will stop at nothing to get what she
SKILLS: Fighting, strong claws and powerful physique.
LIKES: soft textures, luxurious lodgings and rich food
DISLIKES: losing, being ridiculed and birds of prey
FAMILY: Rayu was born a part of a
harpy tribe where the chicks were raised communally. As such she doesn't
know which of the older women is her birth mother. She has never felt the
need to form a bond with one of the other harpies and just generally tries
to get as far ahead as she can manage.
BOND: Oil Phaden'czan (m) from Arx Atra Mons
The Arena
The call came early one morning. Rayu raced to the arena, not wanting to
be scooped up by some rough beast. No thank you. The feisty,
short-tempered harpy arrived as one of the first. She wondered if she
actually needed to be here yet. She was aiming high. People around seem to
think that she would only bond one of the smaller hydra, but they were
prey. Rayu wanted to do better than mere prey. She wanted a partner. One
would suffice, she was not looking for a group. One who would be hers as
she would be theirs. And together they would keep the bad of the world at
Rayu gazed across the Arena and her eye caught a golden gleam. She was
drawn in like a moth to a flame. The oil with two heads, three tails and
two sets of wings strode across the ground, snapping up a few of their
smaller siblings to quench their hunger. And then they gazed back, looking
Rayu straight in the eye.
"You are mine." a deep, rich
voice crooned.
"You are mine." Rayu agreed.
A name surged over the newly formed bond: "Phaden."

NAME: Phaden'czan
RANK: 25 (Majestic)
SIZE: 51 feet (39-55 feet)
DESCRIPTION: 2 heads, 4 limbs, 3 tails, 4 wings. 39 to 55 feet
PERSONALITY: Haughty, short-tempered and power-hungry, Phaden is best
avoided and given a wide berth. The only one he cares for is his bond and
together they don't consider anyone else.
- Telepathy
- Teleportation
- Fire Breath
- Venomous Bite
- Poison Stinger
Phaden'czan had grown. He wasn't the strongest hydra out there but he was
close. Close enough to be feared and respected and the oil very much liked
to make others cower. His bond was as ambitious as he was. She had
strength, more so than a regular human and she could fly with him instead
of on him. Phaden couldn't have done better.
He had everything and yet he wanted for something. A dynasty. Every
potential ruler needed heirs to secure their seat. It was risky as heirs
had a tendency to try to overthrow their sires. But he'd just need to make
certain to remain stronger. Already he'd started looking around for a
fitting female, a beast that would bear him strong offspring... and
nothing was going to stop him from claiming her.
[STORY] -v-
[RAYU] -v-
Lantessama Isle