"This is where we keep all our records on clutches. Since we are just starting out, there isn't much here." Wildri says to you. "All hatchings, if recorded, can be found here."

Clutches 1-5 | Clutches 6-10 | Clutches 11-15

Water Leniki x Desert Gelontis


4 hatched

Hala and Day Fyakiis (m)
Nif and Earth Uniski (f)
Marianne and Water Valeiski (f)
Alexander and Fire Weskiis (m)

Day Asvalendi x Night Perini


5 hatched

Lloyd and Plant Houdini (m)
Mary and Forest Issnidi (f)
Eric and Earth Mardini (m)
Forest Franidi and Ore Yuldini

Wind Achaena x Fire Gwaelyn


5 hatched

Lephna and Water Lynna (f)
Scareh and Rain Rhaynna (f)
Qualave and Plant Rognayn (m)
Scotia and Forest Shadeynna (f)
Ideryn and Mud Tasnayn (m)

Rain Pinatlo x Mud Xirastos


3 hatched

Theo and Night Argeloos (m)
Fayah and Desert Venynloos (m)
Hubero and Rust* Weerloos (m)

Forest Issnidi x Fire Ijkios


3 hatched

Dakhren and Fire Kovadios (m)
Marion and Forest Nahosdi (f)
Efoshiq and Mud Prudios (m)

Castle  DesCas MAIN